Congratulations to Thomas Goldman

Email and social media provide excellent opportunities for people to get people into trouble.  When a person is accused of a crime, it is normal that the court will order that the defendant have 'no contact' with the accuser.  Usually, the first document to express this restriction is the release agreement.  A release agreement is basically a contract a person signs where they agree to follow certain rules (like the no-contact rule) in exchange for being out of jail until the trial is held for the case.  In Thomas' case, our client was accused of sending an email to the accuser in violation of the release agreement.  If found guilty of that violation, a person can receive a jail sentence of up to six months just for that violation - even if found not guilty of the original charge.  There is no right to a jury for these hearings, so the hearing was held before a judge.  The prosecutor got into evidence the release agreement signed by our client and the email purportedly sent by our client in violation of that agreement.  Then Thomas got to challenge that email on many fronts.  First, it was supposedly sent as part of a bulk email from one of our client's social media accounts.  The records indicated that the email went to 64 recipients within 20 seconds.  Thus it is fair to say our client may not have even known that the other person was in that long list of recipients.  Then, Thomas got to go after the more fun facts.  The records from the social media company showed that their email system didn't send those 64 emails until the day after the accuser's print-out claims it was sent.  Second, the subject line in the accuser's email differed from the subject line in the 64 emails that were actually sent.  The accuser's subject line was never sent by our client's account.  At the end of Thomas' attack on the prosecutor's evidence, the judge had to make the decision that the allegation against our client was not proved!